Saturday, September 22, 2007


Peru - Former President Alberto Fujimori arrived in Lima on Saturday after being extradited from Chile to face charges of corruption and sanctioning death-squad killings, a grim homecoming for the strongman who fled Peru seven years ago as his government collapsed in scandal.
Fujimori maintains a strong following — a recent poll showed that 23 percent of Peruvians want to see him back in politics — and some worry his return could provoke turmoil in a country emerging from decades of political and economic chaos.
"There will be a sector of the country that will identify with him, and he will play a destabilizing opposition role," said Javier Valle Riestra, a congressman and leader of President Alan Garcia's Aprista party.
Fujimori was widely admired for ushering in economic stability and defeating the Shining Path rebel movement during his 1990-2000 government, but his presidency increasingly came under fire as it drifted toward authoritarianism and evidence surfaced of corruption

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